

Call it fate or call it coincidence, this is how ID12 first met. In 2007, Erna Nureddin, former Editor-in-Chief of Laras magazine, set out to assemble 12 interior designers for a special feature in the magazine for the year.

“The magazine publishes 12 issues per year, and each designer has to work on one issue,” Ary Juwono recalls. The list of designated designers was Agam Riadi, Anita Boentarman, Ary Juwono, Eko Priharseno, Joke Roos, Prasetio Budhi, Reza Wahyudi, Roland Adam, Sammy Hendramianto S, Shirley Gouw, Vivianne Faye, and Yuni Jie.

It was like a successful “matchmaking” story, there is a spark of chemistry. Along the way, the twelve designers keep finding themselves working together on mutual projects, from hosting an event to officiate the opening of exhibitions together. Therefrom the name ID12, the abbreviation for 12 Indonesia Interior Designers, was established.

ID12 shares the same passion in design and it inspires them to bring the country’s design scene to another level by presenting them in an elegant manner with international standard. One of ID12 missions and visions is to contribute and give back to the society, hence “The Colours of Indonesia” was born in 2014. A project in which each designer can interpret their design in their own creative way to create modern and innovative work.
