
The Working Room
Sammy Hendramianto

With decades of experience working at reputable design consultant company, Grahacipta Hadiprana as Senior Associates, Sammy Hendramianto Syamsulhadi is a talented designer with bold and detailed design characters. He always pays attention to proportion and the composition of scales and shapes to attain international standard design. His projects include exclusive high-end residences and hotels, as well as table styling.He has diversified his design styles and portfolios since he started his own design firm, SHS Associates, in 2013. The Bandung Institute of Technology graduate believes design is an ongoing process that will develop over time, and a designer would always strive to create an innovative and timeless design.

The pandemic has taught us something new, people can work from anywhere and still be productive. “Work From Home” and “The New Normal” are new terms made popular due to the pandemic. Working from home is an ideal work mode for the current situation, so people are encouraged to improve their working space at home; to be more comfortable, private, and functional to accommodate their needs, including for online meeting purpose.

That is the reason why SHS creates two different concepts for home office design at The Colours of Indonesia Chapter Five, an indoor working space with a working desk and a semi-outdoor working space with a casual ambience and without a working desk.

In general, the design of this working space is classic, unique, and contemporary. Classic for the choice of wall panel with profile and maroon cornice with classic walnut satin finishing and gold accent, complemented by glass cabinet and working desk. While the contemporary features can be seen on the use of materials with open pore finish as wall panel, charming pendant lamp, the combination of classic curtain and modern blinds, Sicis mosaic on the wall of the semi-outdoor area, outdoor furniture choices, wood and parquets decking in dark grey, and marble art Kawung motif, designed by Arangwatu as decorative accent to welcome visitors.

Contractors and Interior Suppliers

Crown Ceiling

Mechanical Electrical

Window Frame



Lighting Consultant

Furniture, Soft Furnishings, and Decorative Lighting

Glass Cabinet and Working Desk

Working Chair

Outdoor Furniture

Curtains and Wallpaper




Marble ArtworkDesign by Arung Watu

Flowers and Greeneries


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